Photo of Tuna Salad Sandwich Recipe

Tuna Salad Sandwich Recipe

Recipe by @angelicacastaneda_

The classic tuna salad sandwich, a timeless favorite, owes its popularity to the perfect blend of simple yet satisfying ingredients. The star of this dish is Wild Planet tuna, recognized for its superior quality and rich, savory flavor. It's complemented by creamy mayonnaise, tangy mustard, and sweet relish, creating a delightful balance in this tuna salad recipe.

Diced onions and chopped celery are added, providing a refreshing crunch for those who love that additional texture in their tuna salad. A squeeze of lemon juice brightens the dish, adding a zesty kick that beautifully ties all the flavors together. The result is a salad that feels light and balanced with canned tuna's richness.

To serve, spread the salad on your favorite bread. Regardless of your bread preference (or even substituting with lettuce leaves for a wrap), this tuna salad sandwich is guaranteed to impress with its symphony of flavors and textures.

Image of Tuna Salad Sandwich Recipe


Tuna Recipes




  • 2 (5oz) cans of Wild Planet Skipjack Wild Tuna

  • –OR–

  • 2 (5oz) cans of Wild Planet Albacore Wild Tuna

  • 1/3 cup of Mayonnaise

  • 1 tsp Dijon or yellow Mustard

  • 1 Tbsp Sweet Pickle Relish

  • 1 Tbsp diced Red onion

  • 1 chopped Celery stick

  • 1/2 Tbsp chopped Parsley

  • 1 tsp Lemon juice

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • Soft sliced bread, your choice



  1. Start by opening the two cans of Wild Planet tuna and placing both the tuna and their natural juices from the cans into a large mixing bowl and gently flaking with a fork. Whether you choose skipjack tuna or albacore tuna is up to your personal preference. Both options are a great choice and will provide a rich flavor to your tuna salad mixture.

  2. Add the mayonnaise, mustard, and pickle relish to the flaked tuna and combine. These ingredients form the base of your salad, giving it its creamy texture and tangy taste.

  3. Next, add in your diced red onion and chopped celery. These ingredients add a bit of crunch and a burst of fresh flavor that balances the richness of the tuna and mayo.

  4. Sprinkle in the chopped parsley. This brings additional freshness and color to your salad.

  5. Squeeze in the lemon juice to add a citrusy kick that brightens up each of the flavors.

  6. Gently mix all of the ingredients until they're well combined into the tuna salad mixture. At this point, you can adjust the seasoning if needed, adding more lemon juice, or salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Now it's time to serve your salad! You can spread it on your favorite bread for a classic tuna salad sandwich or get creative and serve it on a tostada for a crunchy twist or even lettuce leaves for a refreshing wrap.

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